Project Grimm (US)

Project Grimm


“The Crass Menagerie”


Vincebus Eruptum Recordings (LP)


Una lega di metallo liquido acidificato. Come un androide mutaforma che attraverso la nanotecnologia ha scansionato la struttura molecolare di The Mike Gunn simulando il mitico scenario di Houston nei 90s.

Un’estensione di impulsi che trasforma l’artefice-padre-chitarrista-cantante John Cramer, dopo quindici lunghi anni di silenzio, nel programma nanomorfo dei Project Grimm. Solo tre album in tutto questo tempo. L’elaborazione del nuovo “The Crass Menagerie” scannerizza visibilmente le mutazioni heavy psych sotto una pioggia di acido cloridrico, distorsioni granitiche che riecheggiano e schizzano invariabilmente.

Cramer ripiega la sperimentazione per una più agevole lettura insieme al batterista Rick Costello (Bleachbath) e Drew Calhoun (Schlong Weasel), un power trio che sottolinea la predisposizione evidente dell’ex Gunn a guitar-apostle-dreamlike. I brani dell’album scorrono impetuosi tra la poderosa deformazione elettrica e l’ambiente acre in cui si propagano ripetutamente.

Otto pepite scure e deformate che la ‘ultra-respected Italian’ Vincebus Eruptum Recordings, trasforma in energia tracciabile e pura. ‘E. Pluribus Merman’ evidenzia subito le digressioni strisciate nel proseguio. La cadenzata ‘Cloud No Larger Than A Man’s Hand’ o ‘New Two’ scorticano il refolo grunge tra nebbiosità violacea. I fumi pesanti, generati da definite abrasioni, incombono da ‘Delivery Man’s Threath’ sino alla conclusiva ‘A German Beach’.

Monotematiche, violente striature che muoiono fra conduttori magnetici hard-distorted. E il culto prosegue.


Sandro Priarone

Una risposta a “Project Grimm (US)”

  1. English translation…

    Project Grimm
    “The Crass Menagerie”
    Vincebus Eruptum Recordings (LP)

    A liquid metal acidified alloy. As a shape-shifting android that through nanotechnology has scanned the molecular structure of The Mike Gunn simulating the legendary Houston scenery of the 90s.

    An extension of pulses that transforms the creator-father-guitarist-singer John Cramer, after fifteen long years of silence, in the nanomorph program of Project Grimm. Only three albums in all that time. The elaboration of the new “The Crass Menagerie” scans visibly heavy psych mutations under a rain of hydrochloric acid, granitic distortions that invariably resonate and splatter.

    Cramer puts aside experimentation for an easier reading along with drummer Rick Costello (Bleachbath) and Drew Calhoun (Schlong Weasel), a power trio which emphasizes the obvious predisposition of the former Gunn to a guitar-apostle-dreamlike. The album tracks flow impetuous between the powerful electric deformation and the acrid environment in which they repeatedly propagate.

    Eight dark and distorted nuggets that the ‘ultra-respected Italian’ Vincebus Eruptum Recordings, transforms into traceable and pure energy.’E. Pluribus Merman’ highlights immediately digressions crawled in the continuation. The rhythmic ‘Cloud No Larger Than A Man’s Hand’ or ‘New Two’ strip out grunge gusts between purple haziness. The heavy smoke, generated by defined abrasions, hovering from ‘Delivery Man’s Threath’ until the final ‘A German Beach’.

    Monothematic, violent streaks that die between hard-distorted magnetic conductors. And the cult continues.

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