Mark And The Clouds (UK)

Mark And The Clouds




Mega Dodo (LP + CD)


Sottili filamenti d’oro e d’argento applicati a lamine intarsiate dal più puro beat-o-Tardis. Un’intelaiatura dove si scorgono in controluce Steve Marriott e Ray Davies sovrastati da un cielo blu in cui lampeggiano colori arancio-viola.

Marco Magnani e i suoi Clouds lanciano deliziosi confetti, dopo l’esordio di “Blue Skies Opening”, con questo secondo album, “Cumulus”. Nuclei lisergici e distesi tramonti power pop, da Bologna a Londra il viaggio continua su ballate lucenti ricche di effervescenti armonie. Modelli classici e una costellazione di cuori che pulsano sino alla Costa Occidentale per trasformarsi in filosofie beatlesiane. Sembra quasi di finire rilassati nel salotto di casa con Gene Clarke e George Harrison.

Lo stile brit, nella trascinante ‘Hit by Lightning’, apre le tende ramages, tinte di lampone, su Penny Lane Roundabout suonando ‘You’re So Cold’ o ‘The Endless Road’. La splendida ‘Take My Sky’ evolve ed emoziona quasi fosse la prosecuzione di Beware Of Darkness. Il folk caustico di ‘I’m Stopping  Here (Bombs & Gun)’ e gli echi byrdsiani di ‘Don’t Block The Sun’ alimentano pensieri che fluidificano dolcemente. I confini tra l’Io e il mondo esterno si alterano in due songs che sfiorano appena la stanza di Madcap Laughs: ‘On Her Bike’ e ‘Another Grey Morning’. Grande amore per il sound corrosivo ed arrogante, limpido e trascinante, in ‘Baby, You’re Just a Liar’, ‘Sheltered By The Wall Of Sound’ e ‘Lady Was a Freak’.

Come non sentirsi elettrizzati? Come non rimanere sotto le nuvole? Restringendo l’aspettativa del futuro e ampliando l’esperienza fuori dal tempo. Again.

Sandro Priarone

Una risposta a “Mark And The Clouds (UK)”

  1. English translation…

    Mark And The Clouds


    Mega Dodo (LP + CD)

    Thin gold and silver filaments applied to embellished layers from the purest beat-o-Tardis. A frame where you can see in backlight Steve Marriott and Ray Davies topped by a blue sky in which flash orange-purple colors.

    Marco Magnani and his Clouds throw delicious sugared almond, after the debut of “Blue Skies Opening”, with this second album, “Cumulus”.
    Lysergic cores and stretched power pop sunsets, from Bologna to London the journey carries on shining ballads rich of effervescent harmonies. Classical models and a constellation of hearts that pulsate until the West Coast to transformate themselves in beatlesian philosophies. Looks almost to be relaxed in the living room with Gene Clarke and George Harrison.

    The Brit style, in the enthralling ‘Hit By Lightning’, opens the ramages curtains, painted with raspberries, on Penny Lane Roundabout playing ‘You’re So Cold’ or ‘The Endless Road’. The magnificent ‘Take My Sky’ evolves and moves if it were the continuation of Beware Of Darkness. The caustic folk of ‘I’m Stopping Here (Bombs & Gun)’ and the Byrd’s echoes of ‘Don’t Block The Sun’ fuel thoughts that sweetly thinning. The borders between the self and external world alter themselves in two songs that touch lightly the Madcap Laughs’ room: ‘On Her Bike’ e ‘Another Grey Morning’. Big love for corrosive and arrogant sound, also clear and captivating, in ‘Baby, You’re Just A Liar’, Sheltered By The Wall Of Sound’ and ‘Lady Was a Freak’.

    How can’t you feel electrified? How can’t you remain under the clouds? Making smaller the expectation for the future and increasing the out of time experience. Again.

    How not to feel excited? How not to remain under the clouds? By narrowing the expectation of the future and expanding the experience beyond time. Again.

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