Green Seagull (UK)

Green Seagull


“Cloud Cover”


Mega Dodo Records (LP & CD)


Il timbro sperimentale, quello che viene definito innovativo, appartiene all’avant-garde cioè alla piena espansione della ricerca illimitata, riferita a momenti eccezionali di rottura e intuizione musicale. Tutto ciò che viene esplorato e proposto in termini assoluti ha la sua parte terrena, meno esasperata e più accessibile, vista come una selezione naturale di quel che è piu fruibile a tutti. Una specie di rituale elementare della cultura collettiva. Lo psych-pop discende dalle spezie allucinate che l’avanguardia, menzionata ed alterata da derealizzazioni sonore, rilascia in modo addomesticabile. I Green Seagull sono interpreti eccellenti di questa espressione figurativa come segno generazionale distintivo.

Melodie e visceralità costruite da keyboards rinascimental-estatiche attraversano armonie vocals dallo stravagante sapore piped music. Paul Milne (bass and vocals), ex Hidden Masters e The Magnetic Mind, affiancato da Paul Nelson (guitar and vocals), ex New Electric Ride, concertano un ensemble che assapora confetti smaltati dalla West Coast e dal Merseybeat britannico. Sarah Gonputh, ex Lysergics e The Magnetic Mind crea, dentro alambicchi ed ampolle, il suono analogico delle tastiere moderando luci filanti e ombre cinetiche voluttuosamente barocche di chiara formazione classica.  L’ossatura ritmica è di Elian Dalmasso (drums) mentre la struttura sonora ricorda le canzoni strette e conturbanti di Strawberry Alarm Clock e Kinks, i piaceri soffici avvolti da linfa abrasiva di Love e Lyme And Cybelle sviluppando, nello stesso tempo, coreografie vocali intrecciate dal trasporto per memorabili ritornelli. Byrds o vagamente XTC. L’esordio col bellissimo singolo ‘Scarlet / They Just Don’t Know’ nel 2017. Il primo album “Scarlet Fever” nel 2018. Per arrivare a questo sopraffino “Cloud Cover”, preceduto dal 7″ Simeon Brown/Belladonna che ritroviamo incluso in questa seconda opera.

Green Seagull manifestano una convinta esaltazione di leggerezza pop, scoperchiata da infiniti lampi freakbeat e torbide rielaborazioni incense and peppermints-esque. Gingillo affascinante come la luccicante ‘Aereosol’, psicomimetica come ‘Little Lady (In The Amplifier)’, autentica come la filastrocca bizzarra di ‘This Wheel’, romanticamente scanzonata come ‘Dead And Gone’, docilmente elegante come ‘Paper Cut’. Colore in polvere amalgamato con acqua e sostanze varie, ben raffigurato nella realizzazione grafica dell’emergente illustratrice Sara Gossett, artista e musicista in Spiral Galaxy, si mescola a filtri di tonalità verde su mari e nuvole chiare: “No more will my green sea (..gull) go turn a deeper blue” (1966).

Sandro Priarone

Una risposta a “Green Seagull (UK)”

  1. English translation…

    Green Seagull


    Mega Dodo Records (LP & CD)

    The experimental timbre, what is defined as innovative, belongs to the avant-garde, that is, to the full expansion of unlimited research, referring to exceptional moments of rupture and musical intuition. Everything that is explored and proposed in absolute terms has its earthly part, less exasperated and more accessible, seen as a natural selection of what is most accessible to everyone. A kind of elementary ritual of collective culture. The psych-pop descends from the hallucinated spices that the avant-garde, mentioned and altered by sound derealizations, releases in a tameable way. The Green Seagulls are excellent interpreters of this figurative expression as a distinctive generational sign.

    Melodies and viscerality built by renaissance-ecstatic keyboards cross vocal harmonies with an extravagant piped music flavor. Paul Milne (bass and vocals), ex Hidden Masters and The Magnetic Mind, joined by Paul Nelson (guitar and vocals), ex New Electric Ride, setting up an ensemble that savor enamelled candies from the West Coast and the British Merseybeat. Sarah Gonputh, ex Lysergics and The Magnetic Mind creates, in stills and bulbs, the analog sound of keyboards by moderating streamlined lights and voluptuously baroque kinetic shadows of clear classical education. The rhythmic framework is by Elian Dalmasso (drums) while the sound structure is reminiscent of the narrow and disturbing songs of Strawberry Alarm Clock and Kinks, the soft pleasures wrapped in the abrasive sap of Love and Lyme And Cybelle developing, at the same time, intertwined vocal choreography from transportation for memorable refrains. Byrds or vaguely XTC. The debut with the beautiful single ‘Scarlet / They Just Don’t Know’ in 2017. The first album “Scarlet Fever” in 2018. To get to this superfine “Cloud Cover”, preceded by the 7″ ‘Simeon Brown / Belladonna’ which we find it included in this second work.

    Green Seagull manifest a convinced exaltation of pop lightness, uncovered by infinite freakbeat flashes and altered incense and peppermints-esque reworkings. Fascinating trinket as the shimmering ‘Aereosol’, psychomimetic as ‘Little Lady (In The Amplifier)’, authentic as the bizarre nursery rhyme of ‘This Wheel’, romantically light-hearted as ‘Dead And Gone’, meekly elegant as ‘Paper Cut’. Color in powder amalgamated with water and various substances, well depicted in the graphic realization of the emerging illustrator Sara Gossett, artist and musician in Spiral Galaxy, mixes with green shade filters on seas and clear clouds: “No more will my green sea(..gull) go turn a deeper blue “(1966).

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