The Laissez Fairs, The Premonitions, The Insektlife Cycle

The Laissez Fairs

“10,000 Tomorrows / From Field To Field”

Hypnotic Bridge Records

Chi ha seguito gli sviluppi del suono neopsichedelico anni 80 – 90 ricorderà sicuramente The Steppes, gruppo guidato dai fratelli Fallon di origine Irlandese e domicilio californiano nella fertile scena di Los Angeles, base anche di una notevole discografia realizzata su etichette come Voxx e Delerium. Un amore viscerale per i 60s che il cantante e chitarrista John Fallon rinnova fondando The Laissez Fairs a metà dei 2010 insieme a Joe Lowless (con cui condivide anche il progetto Trevor and The Joneses). I due si destreggiano tra armonie vocali, corde e tasti coadiuvati da diversi musicisti lungo un percorso giunto al quarto album “Marigold” pubblicato nel 2019.

E’ il suono di una moderna west coast che ora prosegue con questo singolo e ribadisce il valore del tesoro Hypnotic Bridge. Interessante anche l’anima mod-freakbeat che The Laissez Fairs esprimono con vigore ispirandosi a gruppi inglesi come Action, Creation e Tomorrow. ‘10,000 Tomorrows’  è lucida sintonia avvolta da esuberanza chitarristica e seducenti intermezzi acustici vagamente orientaleggianti. Un caleidoscopio di effetti e ritmi in rapida successione che confluiscono nell’intensità jingle jangle di ‘From Field to Field’, nel cuore della ricerca armonica.


The Premonitions

“Grind My Gears / I’ll Make You Happy”

Outro Records

“She Took My Heart And Soul / The Whiskey Shake”

Bickerton Records

Restiamo a Los Angeles per incontrare Mick Kennedy (vocals), Mick Magoo (guitar), Jesse Youngblood (guitar, vox), Eric Rodriguez (drums, vocals), Daniel Resch (bass, vocals) e Anders La Source (organ, harmonica): The Premonitions. Tra le presenze recenti di una lunga serie di favolosi gruppi nella storia garage punk della Southern California. Includono ex membri di Neumans (autori di uno tra i top album del 2014) e Cheap Tissue. Dopo due singoli usciti l’anno scorso, The Premonitions calano il poker con altri due settepollici tuffandosi con dinamismo nel flusso neo60s. ‘Grind My Gears’ e ‘I’ll Make You Happy’ irrompono selvatiche orientando la componente punk nel turbine fuzz’n’farfisa.

C’è anche un viavai di sonorità R&B rollingstoniane nella matrice garage. Segni evidenti in ‘She Took My Heart And Soul’ e ‘The Whiskey Shake’ magnetizzate da vortici di estroversione elettrica in cui si innesta il sax suonato da Neil Soiland (Sacred Orange, ex Creation Factory). Fresca energia vitale che questi sei garagepunkers colmano di carica emotiva evocando gruppi come Music Machine, Standells, Seeds. Tanto per stare nei paraggi. Meritevole di ascolti anche “A Night With The Premonitions”, un live autoprodotto di qualità eccellente da poco pubblicato su Bandcamp.


The Insektlife Cycle

“Zoekeepers’ Cardinal Healing Forum”

Fruits de Mer Records & El Ron Del Mundo

Sorvolando il Pacifico da Los Angeles a Manila, Filippine, sulle tracce di The Insektlife Cycle, quartetto composto da Ronnel Vivo (guitars, synth), Jay Jumawan (guitars), Nal Vivo Jr. (drums) e Joy Legason (bass). Musicisti con un background progressive metal in vari gruppi della scena rock locale e poi insieme dalla prima metà degli anni 2010 verso nuovi sviluppi. Le loro prime creazioni entrano nel network underground planetario grazie ad etichette come Fruits de Mer e poi Mega Dodo che realizza il primo album “Vivid Dreams Parade” nel 2017. E’ musica strumentale ampia e profonda. Una fusione esotica di space-jazz-rock che nasce dall’improvvisazione e impatta l’ascolto con immediatezza. Il secondo album “Temple of the Soul” esce nel 2019. Quattro lunghe jam psichedeliche raggianti su Gardener’s Delight, estensione fisica del piccolo studio 3.45 RPM, sito artigianale specializzato in ‘lathe cut’ editions su vinile (pubblicazioni vicine all’etica ‘do it yourself’).

La collaborazione si estende con questo nuovo settepollici a cui contribuisce anche Fruits de Mer per la serie Friends of the Fish. ‘Our Jitterbug’ è una danza captata da maghi della fantascienza con facoltà ESP-chitarristiche sulle orme del gigante Ozric Tentacles. ‘Zoekeepers’ sorprende nel suo andamento eccentrico, uno swing microcosmico sinuoso su cui si agitano con un sorriso i primi grandissimi Monochrome Set. La tiratura limitata di queste edizioni farà dannare (o gioire) i collezionisti di vinile. Nel frattempo potete trovare The Insektlife Cycle su Bandcamp, una presenza che saprà offrire a chi vuole approfondire le giuste vibrazioni.


Una risposta a “The Laissez Fairs, The Premonitions, The Insektlife Cycle”

  1. English translation…

    The Laissez Fairs
    “10,000 Tomorrows / From Field To Field”
    Hypnotic Bridge Records

    Those who have followed the developments of the 80s – 90s neo-psychedelic sound will surely remember The Steppes, a group led by the Fallon brothers of Irish origin and Californian residence in the fertile Los Angeles scene, also the basis of a remarkable discography published on labels such as Voxx and Delerium. A visceral love for the 60s that singer and guitarist John Fallon renews by founding The Laissez Fairs in mid-2010 together with Joe Lowless (with whom he also shares the Trevor and The Joneses project). The two juggle vocal harmonies, strings and keys assisted by different musicians along a path that has reached the fourth album “Marigold” released in 2019. It is the sound of a modern west coast that now continues with this single and reaffirms the value of the treasure Hypnotic Bridge. Also interesting is the mod-freakbeat soul that The Laissez Fairs express with vigor, inspired by English groups such as Action, Creation and Tomorrow. ’10, 000 Tomorrows’ is lucid sync wrapped in guitar exuberance and seductive oriental acoustic interludes. A kaleidoscope of effects and rhythms in rapid succession that converge in the jingle jangle intensity of ‘From Field to Field’, at the heart of harmonic research.

    The Premonitions
    “Grind My Gears / I’ll Make You Happy” Outro Records
    “She Took My Heart And Soul / The Whiskey Shake” Bickerton Records

    Let’s stay in Los Angeles to meet Mick Kennedy (vocals), Mick Magoo (guitar), Jesse Youngblood (guitar, vox), Eric Rodriguez (drums, vocals), Daniel Resch (bass, vocals) and Anders La Source (organ, harmonica) : The Premonitions. Among the recent appearances of a long line of fabulous bands in Southern California garage punk history. They include former members of Neumans (authors of one of the top albums of 2014) and Cheap Tissue. After two singles released last year, The Premonitions drop poker with another two seven inches by diving dynamically into the neo60s flow.
    ‘Grind My Gears’ and ‘I’ll Make You Happy’ burst wild, orienting the punk component in the fuzz’n’farfisa whirlwind. There is also a coming and going of Rollingstonian R&B sounds in the garage matrix. Evident signs in ‘She Took My Heart And Soul’ and ‘The Whiskey Shake’ magnetized by whirlpools of electric extroversion in which the sax played by Neil Soiland (Sacred Orange, ex Creation Factory) engages. Fresh vital energy that these six garagepunkers fill with emotional charge evoking bands like Music Machine, Standells, Seeds. Just to be around. Also deserving of listening is “A Night With The Premonitions”, a self-produced live of excellent quality recently released on Bandcamp.

    The Insektlife Cycle
    “Our Jitterbug / Zoekeepers”
    Fruits de Mer Records & El Ron Del Mundo

    Flying over the Pacific from Los Angeles to Manila, Philippines, on the trails of The Insektlife Cycle, a quartet composed by Ronnel Vivo (guitars, synth, bass), Jay Jumawan (guitars), Nal Vivo Jr. (drums) and Joy Legason (Bass). Musicians with a progressive metal background in various groups of the local rock scene and then together from the first half of the 2010s towards new developments. Their first creations enter the planetary underground network thanks to labels such as Fruits de Mer and then Mega Dodo who released the first album “Vivid Dreams Parade” in 2017. It is wide and deep instrumental music. An exotic fusion of space-jazz-rock that comes from improvisation and impacts the listening with immediacy. The second album “Temple of the Soul” comes out in 2019. Four long radiant psychedelic jams published on Gardener’s Delight, physical extension of the small 3.45 RPM studio, an handicraft factory specializing in ‘lathe cut’ editions on vinyl (a practice close to the ‘do it yourself ‘ ethics). The collaboration extends with this new 7inch single to which also contributes Fruits de Mer Records for the series Friends of the Fish. ‘Our Jitterbug’ is a dance captured by science fiction wizards with ESP-guitar skills in the footsteps of the giant Ozric Tentacles. ‘ Zoekeepers’ surprises in its extravagant performance, a sinuous microcosmic swing on which the first legendary Monochrome Set shake with a smile. The limited print run of these editions will damn (or rejoice) vinyl collectors. Meanwhile you can find The Insektlife Cycle on Bandcamp, a presence that will be able to offer those who want to deepen the right vibrations.

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