The Seventh Ring of Saturn (USA)

The Seventh Ring of Saturn “Ormythology” (Nusrat, LP & CD)

The Seventh Ring of Saturn “All The World Is Love / Mountains On The Moon” (Nusrat, 7″)


Esordire con un bellissimo album e poi sparire o quasi per 8 anni. Eppure per The Seventh Ring of Saturn (da Atlanta, Georgia) non è stato un silenzio assoluto e questo atteso ritorno riesce a colmare un lungo periodo e a raccontarlo con un titolo: “Ormythology”. Anzitutto la dedica al tastierista Jeremy Knauff, 007 (1)scomparso a 28 anni nel 2012, una perdita dolorosa ma ancora presente insieme a Jacob Brown (chitarra), Joe Giddings (chitarra), Jamie Reilly (batteria) e Ted Selke (voce, basso, chitarra), ovvero il gruppo originario e tutto il materiale in progress per il secondo album senza aggiungere altro che non comprenda l’amico scomparso.

Atto d’amore ancora inciso sulla propria etichetta Nusrat, anagramma di Saturn nel reiterante omaggio alla filosofia cosmica di Sun Ra e trasversalità jazz appresa negli ambienti familiari ora riproposta con “Ormythology” in cui scorgere il mitico singolo di Charlie ‘Bird’ Parker ‘Ornithology’. Una pratica stimolante attraverso cui The Seventh Ring of Saturn offrono spunti di ricerca sia nell’eseguire le loro composizioni originali che nel ‘prendere in prestito’ standard esistenti ed è proprio da questa successione di cover (molte pubblicate in anni recenti sulle compilation Fruits de Mer, da “Keep Off the Grass” a “The White EP”, “7 and 7 is” e “Sorrow’s Children”) che si manifestano le loro coordinate musicali sui suoni di Pretty Things, Twink, Beatles, 13th Floor Elevators.

E’ anche il ritorno di The Seventh Ring of Saturn tra affinità TSROS4underground planetarie in un felice periodo creativo neopsychedelico attualizzato da inventiva visionaria che “Ormythology” testimonia con una grande abilità strumentale in dense trame chitarristiche e notevoli arrangiamenti vocali. Espressione di buona musica e dichiarazione d’affetto rappresentata ancora da molte cover (progetto come zona di passaggio tra l’omonimo album del 2007 che ne conteneva solo un paio e il futuro) ma questa volta i temi approfondiscono importanti correnti culturali per connotare la passione di The Seventh Ring of Saturn alle forme dell’improvvisazione attraverso fantastici ‘taxim’ dove la psichedelia unisce rock e musica folk con risultati simili a quelli rivelati nei 60s dai leggendari californiani Kaleidoscope. La fonte ispirativa attraversa Grecia e Turchia in epoche diverse (e non molto tsros14diverse anche paragonate al vivere i tragici eventi odierni). E se gli anni ’30 vengono evocati con le cover dei primi Rebetici (esuli, poeti musicisti virtuosi di bouzouki e baglamas) per un reloaded di ‘Yedikule’ (Evangelos Papazoglou) e ‘Uzun Ince Bir Yoldayim’ (Asik Veysel), gli anni ’70 vengono ripercorsi con ‘Teli Teli Teli’ (Manos Loizos) e ‘Karli Daglar’ da “Elektronik Türküler” (1974), secondo album del grande chitarrista Erkin Korai. Versioni appassionate e potenti a cui se ne aggiungono altre ad ampliare l’orizzonte ispirativo di The Seventh Ring of Saturn, dal garage di ‘Faces’ dei TC Atlantic (anche sul mitico Pebbles Vol. 3, ‘The Acid Gallery’) all’hard-space-blues di ‘Spaceman’ dei favolosi danesi Hurdy Gurdy. I due originali di “Ormythology” lanciano segnali di futuro che ci auguriamo si materializzi in un terzo album a conferma della classe dei The Seventh Ring of Saturn ribadita quando ‘Burning a Hole’ preme sull’acceleratore di particelle Big Star in un turbine chitarristico wah-wah-southern-power pop e ‘Time to Fly’ esplora dinamiche jingle-jangle in ascesa interstellare nelle profondità space rock.

“Ormythology” esce su vinile e CD con un look very underground e deliziose copertine ormyfruitcartonate illustrate individualmente. Per completezza esiste anche un’edizione promo con versioni iniziali delle canzoni, pubblicata da Fruits de Mer nel 2014 in 250 copie per i festival di psychedelia ‘Crabstock in Wales’ e ‘Crabstock USA’ (di cui due date con la tsros-7partecipazione dei TSROS).

Ma non è finita perchè il viaggio prosegue in uscita simultanea sempre su Nusrat anche in formato settepollici e vinile luminescente (come l’album) dove scorrono due magnifiche ‘sitar freakbeat’ cover di All The World Is Love / Mountains On The Moon” rispettivamente di Hollies (‘Evolution’) e Grateful Dead (‘Aoxomoxoa’). Complemento fantastico di un atlante psichedelico dal quale The Seventh Ring of Saturn sviluppano in musica le loro mappe di emozioni.

Giampiero Fleba

Una risposta a “The Seventh Ring of Saturn (USA)”

  1. English translation on request, thanks!

    The Seventh Ring of Saturn

    “Ormythology” (Nusrat, LP & CD)
    “All The World Is Love / Mountains On The Moon” (Nusrat, 7″)

    Debuting with a beautiful album and then disappear, or almost by 8 years. Nevertheless for The Seventh Ring of Saturn (Atlanta, Georgia), it was not an absolute silence and this awaited return succeeds in fill a long period and to tell it with a title: “Ormythology”. The tale begin by the dedication to the keyboard player Jeremy Knauff, who died at age 28 in 2012, a painful loss but still present with Jacob Brown (guitar), Joe Giddings (guitar), Jamie Reilly (drums) and Ted Selke (vocals, bass, guitar), to wit the original band and all the material in progress for the second album without adding anything that does not include the missing friend. Act of love still recorded on their own label Nusrat, anagram of Saturn in reiterating homage to the cosmic philosophy of Sun Ra and jazz transversality learned in family environments now revived with “Ormythology”, in which glimpse the legendary single of Charlie ‘Bird’ Parker ‘Ornithology’. A stimulating practice, through which The Seventh Ring of Saturn, offer opportunities to deepen both when they perform their original compositions, than in ‘borrow’ existing standards and it is from this sequence of covers (many released in recent years on the Fruits de Mer compilation from “Keep Off the Grass” to “the White EP”, “7 and 7 is” and “Sorrow’s Children”) that take place their musical direction on the sounds of Pretty Things, Twink, Beatles, 13th Floor Elevators. It is also the return of The Seventh Ring of Saturn amongst planetary underground affinities in a happy creative neo-psychedelic period actualized by visionary inventiveness that “Ormythology” testifies with capability through dense instrumental guitar textures and remarkable vocal arrangements. Expression of good music and declaration of love still represented by various covers (project as transition zone between the eponymous 2007 album that contained just a few and the future) but this time the themes are developed on important cultural currents to connote the passion of the Seventh Ring of Saturn to the forms of improvisation through some fantastic ‘taxim’ where the psychedelia combines rock and folk music with results similar to those revealed in the 60s by the legendary Californian band Kaleidoscope. The source of inspiration runs through Greece and Turkey at different times (and not much different, even compared to living the tragic events today). And if the ’30s are recalled with the cover of the first Rebetiko players (exiles, poets, virtuoso musicians of bouzouki and baglama) to reload ‘Yedikule’ (Evangelos Papazoglou) and ‘Uzun Ince Bir Yoldayim’ (Asik Veysel), the 70s are retraced with ‘Teli Teli Teli’ (Manos Loizos) and ‘Karli Daglar’ from “Elektronik Türküler” (1974), the second album by the great guitarist Erkin Korai. Passionate and powerful versions to which are added other covers to expand the inspirational horizon of The Seventh Ring of Saturn, from the garage-psych of ‘Face’ by TC Atlantic (also in the mythical Pebbles Vol. 3, ‘The Acid Gallery’) to the hard-space-blues of ‘Spaceman’ by fabulous Danish band Hurdy Gurdy. The two originals of “Ormythology” transmit signals of future that we hope will materialize in a third album, reiterating the class of The Seventh Ring of Saturn when ‘Burning a Hole’ starts the accelerator of Big Star particles in a guitar wah-wah-southern-power pop’ whirlwind, and ‘Time to Fly’ explores jingle-jangle dynamics on interstellar ascendant in the space-rock depths.
    “Ormythology” is issued on vinyl and CD with a very underground look and delicious hardcovers illustrated individually. For completeness, there is also a promo edition of 250 copies with early versions of the songs, published by Fruits de Mer in 2014 for the festivals of psychedelia ‘Crabstock in Wales’ and ‘Crabstock USA’ (including two dates with the participation of TSROS).
    But there’s more, because the journey continues in simultaneous release always on Nusrat through a 7inch luminescent vinyl (as the album) where flow two magnificent ‘sitar freakbeat’ covers of “All The World Is Love / Mountains On The Moon” respectively by Hollies (‘Evolution’) and Grateful Dead (‘Aoxomoxoa’). Fantastic complement of a psychedelic atlas from which the Seventh Ring of Saturn develops in music, their maps of emotions.

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