Dream Phases, Secret Colours, Communicant, Simian Life, The Seeds

Nel juke box del 2020 di Plenirockium ci sono i singoli Hypnotic Bridge Records, etichetta di Sierra Madre (Los Angeles) devota al formato vinile 7 pollici di cui vi abbiamo documentato le uscite in questa rubrica (Luglio, Settembre, Novembre). Presenza resiliente nell’anno orribile a cui risponde con tenacia per un finale di magica musica psychedelic oriented.

Dream Phases

“Helen Highway / Tandy”

Originariamente un progetto di studio nato a Los Angeles dalle idee di Brandon Graham (vocals, guitar, bass, keyboards) e sviluppato in band dal 2017 con l’arrivo di Shane Graham (drums, percussion) e Keveen Baudouin (guitar, bass, keyboards, vocals). In tre anni di vita i Dream Phases addensano una discografia ispirata all’evoluzione del suono west coast attraverso il tempo da Byrds a Rain Parade e Darker My Love. Un suono vibrante e armonico fitto di sfumature chitarristiche dialoganti nel viavai di arpeggi ed effetti riverberati. Trame mai scontate narrate da testi onirici evocanti magie ed asperità dello scenario naturale e urbano di questa area sud californiana. Dopo il quarto album “So Long, Yesterday” (2019) questo nuovo singolo (avvolto nel magnifico artwork di Laura Kensington) risplende sui riflessi cromatici di ‘Helen Highway’ e ‘Tandy’ in prossimità antigravitazionale di tastiere e vocals eteree.

Secret Colours

“Oblivion / I Feel Love”

Da Chicago ritornano i Secret Colours dopo il quarto album “Dream Dream” (2017) nel segno di una presenza di spicco nella neopsichedelia degli anni 2010. Un saluto dinamico profuso da Tommy Evans (vocals, guitar), Mike Novak (guitar), Max Brink (bass) e Matt Yeates (drums). Grandangolo di suoni su varianti shoegaze – britpop anni 90 ed energia indie-rock’n’fuzz in un’ottica di focale ampia. L’adempimento costante di toni forti e decisi grazie anche alla  presenza di pigmenti conosciuti come Primal Scream e Brian Jonestown Massacre compone giochi stroboscopici di un light show personale. La sua riaccensione mette in moto la sfera jingle jangle di ‘Oblivion’ in oscillazioni flessuose e pulsanti che accelerano nel groove ipnotico di ‘I Feel Love’ per un coraggioso omaggio psych-space alla disco elettronica di Donna Summer e Giorgio Moroder.


“She Moves the Sky / Prisoner Cloud”

Gruppo di recente formazione, Communicant nasce da un’idea del cantautore, produttore e polistrumentista Dylan Gardner, nativo dell’Illinois. Insieme a suo fratello Mark Gardner (drums), Jeff Frantom (guitar) e Okudaxij (bass), registrano le tracce del loro debutto “Memory Palace” nel 2019, un EP autoprodotto su cassetta pubblicata all’inizio di quest’anno. Reimmaginano ‘Parachute’ di Sean Lennon planando nel Magical Mystery Tour del suo immenso padre in un simbolico orientare alchimie armoniche ispirate alla creatività e lucida follia dei Beatles. Composizioni e arrangiamenti strumentali – vocali caleidoscopici in cui sperimentare tecniche di registrazione, suoni espansi vibranti di mellotron, glissando-fuzz chitarristici, ritmiche accentate. Elementi che caratterizzano anche questo loro primo singolo impreziositi dai tratti orientaleggianti di ‘She Moves the Sky’ e dai vortici freakbeat di ‘Prisoner Cloud’. Sfavillanti presupposti nell’attesa dell’album previsto per il 2021.

Simian Life

“Another Way Down / Briefing”

Simian Life è nato come un progetto in studio dei fratelli Andy e Robert Campanella, presenze di spicco nella scena psichedelica di Los Angeles del nuovo millennio. Insieme nei byrdsiani The Quarter After poi sui solchi di splendide quanto oscure psych-prog-spacerock bands come Occult Wisdom e Chief Nowhere e nel fitto contributo di Robert come produttore – musicista da Brian Jonestown Massacre a Dead Meadows, Lovetones e Hanging Stars. Energia in espansione che ora abbraccia una dimensione oltre il tempo nel loro primo singolo che è anche un debutto. ‘Another Way Down’ rende verosimile una session tra Skip Bifferty e Morgan Delt. Un allucinato cosmo popsike che sembra non avere limiti. ‘Briefing’ sperimenta l’imprevedibilità con un incredibile fluido strumentale ‘indo-jazz suite’ orchestrato da sitar (by Rishi Dhir alias Elephant Stone), archi e fiati. Qualcosa che appartiene a un’entusiasmante corrente evolutiva da cui aspettarsi prossime meraviglie.

The Seeds

“Vampire / Butterfly Child”

Ebbene si, proprio loro The Seeds! Tra i più amati e iconografici gruppi 60s garage-punk-psych californiani. I loro suoni spigolosi, dissonanti e la travolgente spinta a propulsione fuzz-organo hanno eletto The Seeds tra gli esponenti per eccellenza del genere, consegnando alla storia del rock classici definitivi da ‘Pushin’ Too Hard’ a ‘Can’t Seem To Make You Mine’ ed album capolavoro come “A Web Of Sound”. La scomparsa negli ultimi dieci anni di Sky Saxon, Rick Andridge e Jan Savage ha spinto il tastierista Daryl Hooper ad un atto d’amore nel ricordo della storica band e della vitale esuberanza della sua musica. Degno compagno in questa rinascita è il bassista Alec Palao (musicista poliedrico conosciuto soprattutto in formazioni come Rain Parade e Mushroom) anche produttore del film “Pushin’ Too Hard – The Seeds Documentary”. Completano la formazione il cantante Paul Kopf e gli ex membri delle bands di Sky Saxon, Mark Bellgraph (chitarra) e Justin Smith (batteria). Dopo vari tour dal 2017 al 2019 tra USA e UK, prende forma questo singolo presentato nell’ennesima stupenda copertina (questa volta con stile ultra flower power di Dawn Aquarius). ‘Vampire’ riaccende il mito con intrasigenza spontanea garage-punk e prosegue luminoso nell’intensità beat-R&B di ‘Butterfly Child’. Emozione pura!



Una risposta a “Dream Phases, Secret Colours, Communicant, Simian Life, The Seeds”

  1. English translation…

    In the 2020 Plenirockium juke box there are the singles by Hypnotic Bridge Records, a label from Sierra Madre (Los Angeles) devoted to the 7-inch vinyl whose releases we have documented in this column (July, September, November). Resilient presence in the horrible year to which responds with tenacity for a finale of magic music psychedelic oriented.

    Dream Phases “Helen Highway / Tandy”

    Originally a studio project born in Los Angeles from the ideas of Brandon Graham (vocals, guitar, bass, keyboards) and developed in band since 2017 with the arrival of Shane Graham (drums, percussion) and Keveen Baudouin (guitar, bass, keyboards, vocals). In three years of life, Dream Phases thicken a discography inspired by the evolution of the west coast sound through time from Byrds to Rain Parade and Darker My Love. A vibrant and harmonic sound full of guitar nuances interacting in the comings and goings of arpeggios and reverberated effects. Never predictable plots narrated by dreamlike texts evoking the magic and harshness of the natural and urban scenery of this southern Californian area. After the fourth album “So Long, Yesterday” (2019) this new single, wrapped in the magnificent artwork of Laura Kensington, shines on the chromatic reflections of ‘Helen Highway’ and ‘Tandy’ in the antigravity proximity of ethereal keyboards and vocals.

    Secret Colors “Oblivion / I Feel Love”
    From Chicago, the Secret Colors return, after the fourth album “Dream Dream” (2017) in the sign of a prominent presence in the neo-psychedelia of the 2010s. A dynamic greeting from Tommy Evans (vocals, guitar), Mike Novak (guitar) , Max Brink (bass) and Matt Yeates (drums). Wide angle of sounds on shoegaze variants – 90s britpop and indie-rock’n’fuzz energy in a wide focal point. The constant fulfillment of strong and decisive tones thanks also to the presence of known pigments such as Primal Scream and Brian Jonestown Massacre composes stroboscopic games of a personal light show. Its rekindling sets in motion the jingle jangle sphere of ‘Oblivion’ in supple and pulsating oscillations that accelerate in the hypnotic groove of ‘I Feel Love’ for a courageous psych-space tribute to the electronic record by Donna Summer and Giorgio Moroder.

    Communicant “She Moves the Sky / Prisoner Cloud”

    Recently formed band, Communicant was born from an idea of ​​the songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist Dylan Gardner, a native of Illinois. Together with his brother Mark Gardner (drums), Jeff Frantom (guitar) and Okudaxij (bass), they record the tracks of their debut “Memory Palace” in 2019, a self-produced EP on cassette released earlier this year. They reimagine Sean Lennon’s ‘Parachute’ gliding in his immense father’s Magical Mystery Tour in a symbolic orienting harmonic alchemy inspired by the creativity and lucid madness of the Beatles. Compositions and instrumental / vocal arrangements kaleidoscopic, in which to experiment with recording techniques, vibrant expanded sounds of mellotron, guitar glissando-fuzz, accented rhythms. Elements that also characterize their first single embellished by the oriental traits of ‘She Moves the Sky’ and the freakbeat swirls of ‘Prisoner Cloud’. Sparkling foundations waiting the debut album scheduled for 2021.

    Simian Life “Another Way Down / Briefing”

    Simian Life was born as a studio project for brothers Andy and Robert Campanella, prominent appearances in the psychedelic scene of Los Angeles in the new millennium. Together in the byrdsian The Quarter After, in the footsteps of splendid and dark psych-prog-spacerock bands such as Occult Wisdom and Chief Nowhere and in the dense contribution of Robert as producer – musician from Brian Jonestown Massacre to Dead Meadows, Lovetones and Hanging Stars. Expanding energy now embracing a dimension beyond time in their first single which is also a debut. ‘Another Way Down’ makes a session between Skip Bifferty and Morgan Delt plausibile. An hallucinated popsike cosmos that seems to have no limits. ‘Briefing’ experiences unpredictability with an incredible ‘indo-jazz suite’ instrumental fluid orchestrated by sitar (played by Rishi Dhir aka Elephant Stone), strings and winds. Something that belongs to an exciting evolutionary current from which to expect forthcoming wonders.

    The Seeds “Vampire / Butterfly Child”

    Well yes, really them: The Seeds! Among the most beloved and iconographic 60s Californian garage-punk-psych groups. Their edgy, dissonant sounds and overwhelming fuzz-organ propulsion have made The Seeds one of the genre’s quintessential exponents, delivering definitive classics to rock history from ‘Pushin’ Too Hard’ to ‘Can’t Seem To Make You Mine’ and album masterpiece like “A Web Of Sound”. The passing of Sky Saxon, Rick Andridge and Jan Savage in these last ten years has prompted keyboardist Daryl Hooper to an act of love in memory of the historic band and the vital exuberance of its music. Worthy companion in this rebirth is the bassist Alec Palao (multifaceted musician known above all in bands such as Rain Parade and Mushroom) also producer of the film “Pushin ‘Too Hard – The Seeds Documentary”. The lineup is completed by singer Paul Kopf and former members of the Sky Saxon bands, Mark Bellgraph (guitar) and Justin Smith (drums). After various tours from 2017 to 2019 between the USA and the UK, this single takes shape presented in yet another beautiful cover, this time with the ultra flower power style of Dawn Aquarius. ‘Vampire’ rekindles the myth with spontaneous garage-punk intrasigence and continues luminous in the beat-R&B intensity of ‘Butterfly Child’. Pure emotion!

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